Provide user access to multiple groups


You need to provide a specific user or a set of users access to multiple groups.


You should be a Company Administrator, Super User, or with any customer role that has permissions to Create or Modify Roles.


Users can be provided access to multiple groups through Security Roles which are accessible through Administration > Role.

There are two ways this can be accomplished based on the specific situation. 

  1. Edit the Role assigned to the user(s) and provide access to the groups to which the users need access. This also means that all the other users in that group will also get access to those two groups in question.
    • Identify the Role to which the user is associated by going to the View User Screen.


    • Go Administration > Roles
    • Identify the role of the user and click on it. In the menu that opens, select Edit Role.


    • In the Edit Role Popup, select the Groups to which the user needs access.


    • Click Save & Close
  1. Copy the Role of the User and move the User to that new role. [Alternatively, you can create a new Role from the Scratch]
    • Identify the Role to which the user is associated by going to the View User Screen.
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    • Go Administration > Roles
    • Identify the role of the user and click on it. In the menu that opens, select Copy Role.
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    • In the Copy Role Popup:
      • Change the Name of the Group to a Suitable one.
      • Select the Groups which need to be accessible by the user(s).
      • Retain the Permission List unless otherwise, you need to modify them.
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    • Click on Save & Close
    • Go Administration > Users to change the role of the user
    • Identify the User to be Modified, Click on the User, and Select Edit User in the Menu.
    • Select the newly created Security Role.
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    • Click Save & Close.



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