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  • Creating Jobs for Mobile Workers

    Overview You may need to create jobs and dispatch them to field workers, who will be able to complete the jobs using the mobile app. Prerequisites You need to have an account with the Super User role,...

  • Creating Job Types

    Overview You may need to create new job types, which are used as templates to create jobs for mobile workers. Job types define the actions that needs to be completed during a job, groups to which the ...

  • Assigning Job to Worker

    Overview Administrators need to manually assign jobs that were created but not assigned to workers or reassign a job from one worker to another (e.g., the assignee is unavailable or busy). Prerequisit...

  • Adding Items to Price Catalog

    Overview Administrators may need to add new items into the price catalog, which will be available for mobile workers to select when creating invoices for customers.  Prerequisites You need to have an ...

  • Jobs Are Not Displayed in Mobile App

    Overview Workers cannot view or retrieve jobs that are assigned to them from the web portal. Diagnosis This issue may be caused by the following reasons: The worker's phone number does not have an act...

  • Uploading Jobs in Bulk

    Overview You may need to create multiple jobs in bulk - you can upload a spreadsheet with information about new jobs to save time.  Prerequisites You need to have an account with the Super User role, ...

  • Cannot Upload Jobs from Spreadsheet

    Overview You are unable to upload jobs in bulk and encounter one of the following errors: Job ID (formerly Reference Number): 'Demo Job' already exists - this issue happens when jobs with the same Job...

  • Sending Message to Workers

    Overview You can easily send messages to your workers. Messages can be sent to one worker or all workers in the selected group; messages will be delivered to the mobile app Prerequisites You need to h...

  • Creating Item Categories for Invoices

    Overview You may need to create new item categories for price catalog to divide items that are used in invoices in separate classes. Prerequisites You need to have an account with the Super User role,...

  • Increasing Maximum Number of Jobs Uploaded to Mobile App

    Overview You may want to send a large number of jobs to a worker at once (e.g., all jobs scheduled for a month or a longer period). By default, only 20 jobs can be stored in the mobile app, but you ca...