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Creating Security Roles


You may need to create and configure new security roles on the web portal. Roles are used to configure user access rights to groups and product features on the web portal and mobile app.


You need to have an account with Company Administrator, Super User role, or a custom role with access to create Roles.


  1. Log in to the Street Smart web portal using your credentials and company ID.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Roles.


  3. Click Create Role.


    • Alternatively, you can click on one of the global (default) or already created roles and select Copy Role.
      In this way, you can create a new role by quickly editing permissions copied from an existing role.


      The global security roles are created by default; they cannot be edited or removed, permissions of these roles apply to all groups within the company. Here is the list of global user roles:
      • Super User - has access to modify all features within the company account.
      • Company Administrator - has access to view/configure alerts, create/delete roles, view/modify settings, create/delete users, and manage devices. However, users with this role will not be able to track workers and will not have access to: Workers list, Maps, Jobs, Location, Messages and Reports.
      • Operations - This role is used to run operations for a company: run/schedule/customize reports, receive alerts, delete notifications, export/view fleet map, create/upload/delete locations or jobs, and track workers.
      • WebService - This role is used to create credentials to retrieve and upload data to StreetSmart via SOAP API, it is used for integration with 3rd-party software.
      • Mobile Worker - This role is used to create field workers who use the mobile application to perform jobs, track their location, submit forms, etc.
  1. In the new window:
    • Enter a name for the new role.
    • Select groups to which users with this role will have access.
    • Select which permissions users with this role will have (within the selected groups). You can configure view/create/edit/delete access for the following features (by expanding the feature and selecting the required options):
      • Alert Administration - Allow users to view, create, modify, or receive alerts.
      • Device Administration - Allow users to view, deactivate, or edit devices (active phone numbers that are added to your company account).
      • First Time Setup - Specify which options users will be proposed to customize when they log in for the first time.
      • Fleet Map - Allow users to export map of the workers/vehicles.
      • Form Administration - Allow users to view, create, edit, or delete forms.
      • Geofence Administration - Allow users to view, create, edit, or delete geofences.
      • Incident Map - Allow users to view all actions and stops nearby a location.
      • Job - Allow users to view, create, upload, edit, delete, or assign jobs.
      • Job Type - Allow users to view, create, edit, delete, or assign job types.
      • Location - Allow users to view, create, upload, edit, delete locations.
      • Location Type Administration - Allow users to view, create, edit, or delete location types.
      • Message - Allow users to view, delete, and create/send messages to mobile workers.
      • Mileage - Allow users to view, edit, and delete trips.
      • Mobile Device - Specify which features will be available for a user (mobile worker) on a device: download forms, jobs, messages, timesheets, locations; submit data about invoices, trips. Also, you can enable the Supervisor role, which allows a user to start and end shifts for mobile workers within the group.
      • Prices - Allow users to add, edit, upload, and delete items and services that can be billed to customers using invoices.
      • Reports - Allow users to create, edit, schedule, export, and delete reports and templates.
      • Role Administration - Allow users to view, create, edit, or delete roles (excluding global roles that cannot be edited or removed).
      • Settings Administration - Allow users to view or modify company settings, their personal settings, and settings for other users.
      • Skills Administration - Allow users to view, create, edit, and delete skills.
      • Submitted Public Forms - Allow users to view submitted public forms.
      • User Administration - Allow users to create, upload, edit, and delete users. You can also allow them to start mobile app for other users remotely. 
      • Web Service - Allows users to retrieve and upload data to the web portal using SOAP API. This feature is used for integration with 3rd-party software.
      • Work Group Administration - Allow users to view, create, edit, and delete groups.
      • Worker - Allow users to view or edit various details for mobile workers: timesheets, activity logs, device status logs, worker location on map, ad hoc forms.


  2. Click Save & Close.


After completing step 5, the new role is displayed on the page. You should be able to create a user with the new role assigned or assign the new role to an existing user



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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